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  • Tina Nandi

#TBT: Back when we got married.

This week, I’ve been working (finally) on our own wedding photobook. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know that I am a HUGE proponent of printing your wedding photos (see here and here). So I’m taking my own advice and GETTING THIS DONE. I believe that 20 years from now, our generation will really really regret never having printed their photos. There will be this sudden ‘black hole’ in our photo-memories (that sit on our shelves, NOT on Facebook) and we’ll have nothing to show our kids. As a child, I loved browsing through my parents photo-albums. It’s so fascinating to see what they looked like, the clothes they wore, the fun things they did before my brother and I came crashing into their lives and brought with that the responsibilities of parenthood, the fun things they did with us, the places we traveled, the birthday parties and other milestones. I find myself using that as a guide when I design photobooks nowadays. 20 years from now, what do I want to be able to show my kids (or my clients’ kids)?

Here are some of the photos that are definitely going into our wedding book and the conversation that I like to imagine might transpire someday many years from now while our kids flip through this book…


Wow! Didu looks soooooo pretty!!


What great light! Good choice insisting that the wedding be outside around sunset, Ma! (Obviously our children will understand the value of natural light to Photography.)


What did Dadu say in his speech???


Wow, Grandpa is SO TALL! And Grandma looks SO pretty in a saree!


You all look so young and stylish!




Can you show us the surprise dance that you did?

ROBTINA (1129)

Ewwwww, you’re kissing!

ROBTINA (1155)

Why are you all wearing those funny things??

Many thanks to George Seemon and Sharan Ranjit for making these wonderful photos for us!

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