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  • Tina Nandi

"Setting theek nahi hua, kya?"

Funny story.

I set myself up at the other side of this road to try and capture this mechanic sort of shop with the traffic going in front of me. I want to get a blurry effect of the moving traffic so I deliberately set my shutter speed to 1/10sec and I kind of liked what I ended up with. 

Of course I attracted a whole lot of attention in the process and the fellows were real curious about why I was photographing them. One of the older men asked to see the picture and when I showed him the results on the display, he silently observed and then looked up at me and very kindly asked, “setting theek nahi hua, kya?” (you didn’t manage to get the right setting?)

Haha! I tried to explain that I was going for the blurriness so I set it up like that. I don’t think he bought it.


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