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  • Tina Nandi

May Twenty-Fourteen.

I find accents so distracting. Or maybe that’s just an excuse for my distracted state today. At any rate, there’s this group of people with super British accents sitting opposite me at the café and I keep unintentionally eaves-dropping. This is my “almost-there” restlessness. I am so so so ready to travel, I’m all itchy and not able to concentrate and just BE HERE NOW.

Life is about to get majorly whirl-windy in the next couple of weeks. This weekend I will be shooting at the second Creative Mornings Mumbai (see here) event at which Sameer Kulavoor will be speaking. I just spent like 30 mins on his Tumblr and I can positively say that Saturday is going to be mind-blowingly awesome.

And then it’s edit edit edit before we host two friends from Canada and then I head to Patiala to shoot a wedding!

4 days after I get back from that, it’s off to the US of A, peoples! I am SO excited. I know I have said this before BUT I AM SO EXCITED, people.

So that’s a preview of June. Here’s a glimpse at what May looked like.

May Monthly Update

1. Morning yoga classes // 2. Dinner date at Smoke House Deli // 3. We are so in love with Lychees this season. My husband declared that they are his favourite fruit shortly after he declared that he didn’t like them; but really he’d just never tasted them before. // 4. Morning light goodness while shooting Baby J’s first shoot ever. // 5. Saturday morning hanging out and life-planning. // 6. Celebrating 5 months of marriage with frozen yoghurt. // 7. Those rare evenings when we get together. // 8. Our favourite bread from The Baker’s Dozen // 9. Caught on camera on The Yoga House’s instagram feed. 

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