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  • Tina Nandi

Bombay Finds: The Yoga House and Celebrating 26!

So here I am, t w e n t y – s i x years old. 26.

This morning one of my BFFs called me and said, “Tina! Happy Birthday! You’re 26, and you’re married!!! And you’re a wife!” Or something like that. I was half asleep so I don’t remember her exact words but I loved the excited stating of those facts. A reminder of all that I am so grateful for. 26 years of life. An amazing husband to whose darling face I woke up to this morning. Together discovering the incredible “heights and depths of marriage” as my husband puts it. A conference call with amazing friends that I can talk to about the most random of things (like the difficulties of finding the right dustbin) at 14-minutes-past-midnight. Family – old and new. A growing community of wonderful people that I can do life with in Bombay.

So so grateful. Here’s to living life purposefully and consciously being aware of the Glory that is all around me.

Here are some photos from my birthday/first engagement anniversary breakfast at my favourite place in the neighbourhood – The Yoga House!

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