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  • Tina Nandi

Baking bread and other kinds of happiness.

In the last two months of being married and making sure my husband and I stay alive and healthy I have come to realise that I love cooking. I love it inexplicably.

Back in college, I took a certificate course in cooking and baking but honestly the only thing I remember is that if you are trying to make a cake and you add the eggs too soon to the butter, it will curdle. A good lesson no doubt, but I didn’t learn much else…

Anyway, turns out I’m not half bad at this cooking thing and I’m starting to dabble with more complicated ingredients… like yeast. Oh ye temperamental yeast. Sometimes it works like a charm, sometimes it stubbornly refuses but it so worth the fuss.

Because when it works out you might just get something like this bread that filled our apartment with warm yeast-y aroma on Tuesday night.


This bread… oh man. It is SO GOOD. It’s the kind of bread that you gobble up in one dinner (with the help of some friends and a husband.) And then the next morning when you wake up your first thought is, “I NEED TO MAKE SOME MORE OF THAT BREAD!” So much better than store-bought, preservative-full bread unless you’re spending half your food budget buying bread at a gourmet bakery or… in France. Best of all, it’s so easy. You can find the recipe here – one of my favourite food blogs especially for the beautiful photography!

Anyway, so that’s about the bread. But what was even better than the bread was that my husband brought home our cozy little dining table and we had company for dinner – Natasha, my BFF from boarding school was in India on work and we had the joy of hosting her for a night. And Jo, whose company we can never get enough of.


This is the shiny leg of our dining table that my husband designed and had made. I almost veto-ed this idea because I was nervous of it actually being possible but damned be my doubtful ways sometimes! So glad Rob convinced me that it could be done. It is a master piece.


That trunk that Rob is sitting on was our wedding gift from my college-friends! We love it. It doubles up as storage and seating, and of course my friends are ALWAYS there in our living room now. Haha!


I went on a bit of cup-cake making frenzy. They were gooooood.


And then the next day we went out to lunch at this hidden treasure (literally. there is no sign and you could very easily just walk past it) called Pali Bhavan.


The waiter totes photo-bombed our selfie, but I still kinda love this one.


To more delicious home-made bread! And friends.

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