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  • Tina Nandi

36 Pictures – Photographer turns subject.

After shooting pretty much every day for the last two and a half weeks, I wanted to take a break this weekend. So I arm-twisted (*insert evil laughter*) Sharan and Anu to photograph me instead! Posing is tricky and I think part of the learning process is literally putting yourself in your subject’s shoes. What would you like the photographer to do/say to make you comfortable in front of the camera? I for one am super awkward if I’m the only one standing in front of the camera. My face automatically goes into frown mode, very unlike Barney from How I Met Your Mother who always manages to look immaculate when he’s photographed!

Anyway, it was a fun experience made all the better with having my friend Antu around too. I insisted on painting my nails red in the middle of the shoot and I think this was a good call :P Sharan also did a good job of occasionally calling out “Ryan Gosling!” which immediately put Antu and I in a happy trance. Haha.

Here are some of the pictures that resulted! Love them all!

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